Friday, August 15, 2008

Go Charlie

After going Delta airspace (Hayward) last week. Tonight, I challenged next higher class--Charlie airspace--Fresno Yosemite Internationl Airport.
While doing pre-flight preparation this afternoon, I checked the Sectional Chart, A/F D, and the airport vicinity image on Google Earth, filling up the Navigation Log, and the frequencies enroute. But while checking the DUATS, I found a cruel fact-- the shorter runway is closed for construction, it means there is only one runway is serving. Will they still let me land there? and share the runway with airliners? I made an alternate airport--Fresno Chandler, once I was not allowed to land FAT, I still have an backup airport.
Because I had no any "Charlie" experience, I decided to arrive school and ask for opinions and instructions. After dicussing with some instructors, I decided to land FCH first then ask FAT the possibility via radio, and changed my flight plan destination with FSS.
Taking off N5351L is another story, no fuel, no oil ( about 2 quarter left, can you belive it?! ), continue flying 51L for several days, I realised this is an oil-killer, and no oil left at school, so I have to taxi it to the ramp, grap 3 cane of oils, and taxi again to fuel station for re-fuel. Wow!
Finally, taking off at 19:40, I activated my flight plan, and called NorCal for flight following.... all the way peace until getting close to Madera, at that time the flight following had been changed to Fresno Approach, and an idea just popped out--I asked Fresno Approach :
"Fresno Approach, Cessna 5351L, I know the shorter runway in Fresno Yosemite is closed, but is it possible to do some touch-and-go there? or I have to ask Fresno Tower?"
"Cessna 5351L, Fresno,you may do some options there, I will guide you to Fresno Yosemite." they replied me.
Wow! it's really can do!
"Fresno Approach, Cessna 5351L would like to change frequency for Fresno Yosemite ATIS, and will come back your frequency after that."
"Cessna 5351L, frequency change approved, let me know when you come back."
After few minutes, I asked a stupid question:
"Fresno Approach, Cessna 5351L would like to change frequency to Fresno Tower for landing."
"Cessna 5351L, unable. I will hand you over to Fresno Tower later."
"Roger, 51L." I thought I have to contact tower for intention, I didn't know the approach will pass the information to tower and guide me all the way to tower.
Finally, besides of a big city lights, airport in sight.
"Cessna 5351L, Fresno Approach, contact Fresno Tower frequency 118.2, have a good night."
"Fresno Approach, Cessna 5351L, 12 miles north, inbond for option, with information Wisky."
"Cessna 5351L, Fresno Tower, make left-downwind runway 29R, report abeam tower."Oh! left-downwind, that's unusual,it must be 29L is closed.
I started to descend, when I abeamed the tower, just made the Traffic Pattern Altitude--1303 feet. Good job, Eric!
"Cessna 5351L, number 2, follow the kingair, runway 29R, clear the option."
Just at the movement, I was trying to read back the instruction, the tower said again:
"Cessna 5351L, keep downwind for landing traffic, I will call your turn."
Okay, let's extend downwind then.....
"Cessna 5351L, clear the option 29R, watch jet landing."
Cool! It's my first time landing behind a jet, for avoiding wake turbulance,I know I have to watch it's touch-down point and land beyond it. Thanks God, the runway is long enough for me. 9227 feet! I even can do 3 times touch-and-go there.
Touch-and go, extending upwind, turn crosswind, extending downwind again. At that time, I asked tower.
"This landing will be a full stop, and I will visit Mazzei school."
"Roger, clear to land, runway 29R"
After touch down, the tower asked me:
"Cessna 5351L, are you familiar Mazzei's location?"
"Negative, request aggressive taxi. Cessna 51L."
"Roger, Cessna 5351L, make a left turn on the next exit, cross runway 29L and turn right on taxiway Bravo, all the way to the end and turn left you will find the building."
Wow! What a long instruction! thanks God I have airport diagram on hand.
When I jumped off the airplane, it's already 21:20. I Called to close my flight plan with FSS, and went into the terminal, the Mazzei shcool is at the second floor, and no body left, but the first floor, the pilot's lounge is still open, so I could go in and throw myself into the leather sofa. Leather sofas, drinks, TV! This is real pilot's lounge! But it's shame, I was the only one there.
The communication with tower before take-off is another new experience.
"... Hold short 29 R. Request left crosswind departure." I said.
"... Say destination and intended altitude." the tower asked me.
"... destination Livermore, and altitude 4,500 feet."
"... stay at and below 2,000."
Obviously, the tower will vector me till leaving his territory.
While on the upwind, the tower's voice came.
"...cancel altitude limitation, you may fly the altitude you want. Contact Fresno Approach 119.6."
Thru some frequencies, NorCal 120.95, 123.85, and I came back to homebase, Livermore.

Charlie. It's Good.

Saturday, August 09, 2008


每次三至四小時的越野飛行已經連續五天,航空地圖,機場資訊,Google Earth和ㄧ些航空相關網站ㄧ起搭配著使用,每天都找些有趣的機場去探險,就好像旅行前的行前計畫ㄧ樣,收集,研究所有找得到的資訊,規劃行程本身就比真的旅行更讓人興奮。雖然拿到PPL之後行前不用再交重量與平衡表給學校,也不用再寫航行表,但是我還是都會自己作ㄧ份,因為那也是樂趣之一啊!尤其是航行表,行前依照真北角度,風偏角度,磁偏角度和magnetic deviation (這我就真的不會翻了)算出每ㄧ段航程的航向,所需的時間和油耗,等到真的上了天空,發現實際的計時和之前的紙上計算都ㄧ樣時,那真是又高興又滿足啊!

有ㄧ次從Google Earth上竟然看到有個機場的滑行道竟然直接開到旁邊社區裡,等於家家戶戶門前就是一條條又寬又直的滑行道,再拉近視距,竟然看到有幾家人的門口或是院子就停著ㄧ架架的飛機!!社區裡還有ㄧ個又大又美麗的湖,當天下午就飛去朝聖了。


另外還在ㄧ個機場看到ㄧ棵半個人高的大岩石,是個魔法石喔!上面釘了ㄧ個牌子,說是 Weather Forecasting Stone,天氣預報石耶!下面又列了ㄧ些石頭的每個動態所表示的天氣狀況,真是太神奇了!怕照片上的字看不清楚,照抄如下 :
Stone is Wet---------------------------Rain
Stone is Dry---------------------------Not Raining
Shadow on Ground-------------------Sunny
White on Top--------------------------Snowing
Can't See Stone------------------------Foggy
Swing Stone----------------------------Windy
Stone Jumping Up & Down----------Earthquake
Stone Gone-----------------------------Tornado

Friday, August 08, 2008

8/8父親節, Augus 8, Taiwan's Father's Day

父親節快到了,在幼稚園裡,老師跟班上的小朋友說 : "小朋友,我們要愛把拔,因為把拔在外面工作賺錢給我們用,很辛苦喔!"
三歲的女兒說 : "我把拔在開飛機,不用賺錢。"
Augus 8 is Father's Day in Taiwan. In the kindergarden, teacher asked kids : "Why do we have to love papa? That's becaue papa works so hard and he earns money to support our family."
My 3-year-old daughter replied : " My daddy is flying airplane, he doesn't have to earn money."
papa: it's true though.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Private Pilot Certificate

在約定的時間到了學校,教練已經先到了,正在電腦前幫我看資料,看路上有沒有什麼發佈給飛行員知道的狀況 (NOTAM, NOTICE TO AIRMEN),跟他說已經在家看過了,兩人又趕緊準備其他資料。其實前ㄧ天都準備好了,他就幫我清點看有沒有少什麼東西,真是個好教練。