Monday, July 21, 2008


Finally, the expected Solo Cross Country comes. This morning, I met instructor Steve in the school at 0900, he asked me about the situation solution much more than examed my flight plan.
"How to activate your flight plan in the air?" he asked.
"After I left tower controled area, switch to Oakland Center, and ask for activating flihgt plan." I answered.
"What if you got lost in the air?"
"I will ask Norcal for VFR flight following after flight plan activated."
"What are you gonna talk?"
"I will say..Norcal, Cessena 359ES, is a C152/U, 5 mile Southwest of Happy Farm, level at 5,500 feet. Request VFR flight following to Man's Paradise."
"Squawk 7777, Cessena 9ES." I continued.
"Okay, what if you have machanic problem after you landed at Man's Paradise?"I could tell he held himself not to laugh badly.
"Call school for help, cancel flight plan, have my sandwich and wait ."
"Okay, let's see the weather." Weather man brought me to outside and observed the sky.
"I don't worry about the cloud coming from the west, they will be gone before reaching here, and you go east, so it should be okay, but the wind now is picking up, there must be strong cross wind, you think you can handle it?"
"Affirmative!" I replied and gave him a typical naval sloppy salute. We both used to be in navy, he knew what I meant.
"Good, have fun though."
I picked up my stuff and drove to the airplane, preflight inspection, runup, taking off, turning around and flew to my destination!
In the air, the most important thing is watching traffic, and the best thing is enjoying the quiet, because no babbler besides me!
After flying through some check points and recorded the time( Thanks God, they were all on time!), a huge mountain stands in front of me, I have to fly over the north of it as my plan.
Finally, the destination runway popped out after passing the mountain. This small airport is quite interesting, it locates on the top of a small hill, leaving the airport, all you got is escarpments, steep slopes all the way down to the vally, and it's surrounded and isolated by mountains. There is only one down slope road connects it with the outside of the world. Who says it's not a paradise?
It was a quiet Sunday morning, only few people there. After landing, I picked one of picnic tables near the crag, enjoyed the peace time with my sandwich. Maybe I should let Steve knows I arrived safely, so I picked up the phone and called him. But when the line was connected, an interesting idea just popped out, the devil in me showed up again:
"Steve, I just landed."
"Good job! Is everything Oaky? No trouble? NO issue?"
"Everything is fine, no trouble, no
issue. But...."
"But what? What's going on?" his voice was getting speed up.
"This airport doesn't look like the one we landed last time." (Ha Ha Ha! the devil was laughing.)
"The airport doesn't look like what we went before!?"
"I don't know, this..."
"Eric, Eric! Listen to me! Listen to me!" He shouted."What is the runway number!?"
"Uh... I can't see the runway number from here..." It's time to stop! Devil."Oh! I saw a sign here--Man's Paradise. Oh! I got the right place!"
"What..What.. You.. You.."
"I'm kidding you, Steve, of course I have the right airport."(That's was not me, the devil!)
"Oh, it's a joke........."

Friday, July 18, 2008


今天碰到來這兒之後第一個飛行上的挫折,中午興沖沖帶著昨天做了ㄧ晚的飛行計畫到學校,準備讓教練審核過之後展開自己第一次的個人冒險之旅--cross country。結果卻是得到教練的ㄧ句話 " 我不能讓你去冒險 " 硬是被打了回票。
昨天考過了stage 2 check 之後,因為得到考官的ㄧ句話 " I love your ground (knoledge) , you are every knoledgeable. " 還很高興的打電話跟教練報喜,謝謝他的灌輸的功力。接下來我們討論到今天的solo cross country,他要我作ㄧ份飛行計畫到南邊約150公里外的ㄧ個機場,降落後再原路回來。因為我們本場以北今天有ㄧ個TPR(Temporary Flight Restriction,因為布希今天在北邊活動,方圓30海浬上空不准閒雜人等進入),他不要我誤闖禁區。但是到了晚上畫路線圖的時候想到原路回去未免單調,就拉了ㄧ條線到東邊ㄧ點的機場,再往西折回本場,之所以想到那個機場是因為上次和教練夜航時沒找到那機場,想ㄧ雪前恥,過去瞧他ㄧ瞧。沒想到問題也就出在這兒。
教練翻看著我的計畫,隨口問了ㄧ些沿途可能會出現的狀況的解決方法,正自滿著自己舌燦蘭花之際,突然看到教練臉色ㄧ變 “為什麼不照我的路線走?為什麼要去這裡?“
“那你今天要不要自己到附近的機場練起降?“ 他問道。